I discovered that I like Wyll's story a whole lot better if I just do as Mizora asks in Act 1.

When you kill Karlach, Wyll is rewarded for his deed with a robe and later, during the tiefling party, he is downcast because he wonders how many other innocents (aka none monstrous devils) he has killed while doing Mizora's bidding. He questions the integrity of himself as a hero while bound to Mizora. The theme of being rewarded for services to the hells is again touched upon when you take him along to the battle with Ketheric and Mizora rewards him with a special blade for the occasion. Freeing him from his pact isn't purely about saving his soul and freeing him from his abuser in this version, it's about him only being able to be the hero he wants to be without devilish gifts empowering him. Much like with Astarion and Gale, it's about relying on his own strength and values.

This gets brought to a last tipping point when the desire for freedom and integrity is directly opposed by the desire to save his father, whom he greatly admires. It's a bit of a shame that the discussion about saving Ulder without Mizora's help isn't fleshed out a bit more. Without Karlach, Wyll also has extremely nice epilogues with lots of stuff to say, and overall, after having him in the party for a bit, I enjoyed some of his more cut throat comments and banter - he could do with a few more of those.

Otoh, when you save Karlach he worries about spoiling the party for everyone, which is a very weird take considering the prejudices the tieflings are facing on a daily basis - and you can't even point this out. Freeing him from his pact is just about devils being mean and how nobody should be enslaved to them. He has basically no dialogue during the epilogue if he and Karlach go to Avernus together, and they added an extra scene during Last Light to diminish his fame as the Blade of Frontiers compared to Karlach's wrestling prowess. That along with the whole Mizora-fan service adds to making him a secondary character in Karlach's story instead of allowing him to shine on his own.

Last edited by Anska; 24/04/24 03:23 PM.