There's nothing to explain about the Vampire titles <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />, they are part of a roleplaying game called Vampire: The masquerade by White Wolf. (So some stuff might be copyrighted, another reason not to use them <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> ).

The deal is, a new Vampire who is just embraced is called a fledgeling, and he still has to be tought the Vampire ways by his sire. Then when they become "independant" (which is relative in the World of Darkness) they become neonates. They are mostly from 10th to 13th generation. When they are no longer the new vampires on the block, and no longer "real" pawns they become Ancilae, somewhere between 8th and 9th generation these days. The Elders are much stronger, and the most powerful vampires who are active these days (though that's about to change because the Time of Judgement is coming, the final episode in White Wolf's World of Darkness). They are about anywhere from 5th to 7th generation. The antedeluvians are of the 3rd generation, who slayed the entire 2nd generation, and besides Caine the most powerfull creatures in existenz. Although some Vampires claim they are just a legend ...

Anyways, to be short, it's a ranking in Vampire: The masquerade from White Wolf