Originally Posted by HoneyAngel_444
Oh and I just remembered, if you don't ascend Astarion then your reward is a cut scene on his grave, yes, yes love that he tells my Tav that he loves her, awesome moment, but what do you get, a scene of a willow tree while you make out on the dirt AGAIN, can he not think to bring a rug!

I'm sorry, but that made me laugh out loud.)))

Even in the scene in the woods, I always had this question. He's got had a simple and foolproof plan, but he didn't include a little blanket? What a great lover. Poor Tav gets dragged through the woods and then has to pick branches out of his privates.

Anyway, he didn't want the mat, he wanted right here, right now. AA at least splurge on a room or done the bed in the barn(Rivington), which is even more comical. AA: "I'm a whole vampire lord now, and I'm all cool, so no messing around in the mud, come on, I made the hayloft in the barn." Spawn: "Night of Love? Go away old lady, I'm in sorrow...the grave doesn't embarrass you? All right, you can talk me into it."

A night love in forest out is only beautiful in the movies.)