Originally Posted by starryophonic
Originally Posted by Natasy
@Starry I pmed you a clip and the link! Just want to be careful given the hate AA fans can get, didn't want to share the creators personal user for the video.

Totally understandable. Thank you!

ETA: And wow, now that I've seen it, what a difference. It's not perfect. I'd personally prefer a more smirking expression, but it's a big step up.

Definitely an approvement! Also I think it's weird apparently the expression only affects certain body types which just makes the "it's to hammer in a point" thing evem more silly.

If it was a narrative choice why would AA not abuse gnomes and larger body types? Lol only one body type needs to be taught a lesson!! What are you trying to say Larian?! (/s obviously theyre not trying to do that).