Thank the gods for this forum, I really appreciate Larian hosting this thread, even though it is a criticism of Patch 6. That gives me hope that in time, these negative changes will be amended and the game play will go back to clearly the orginal intention for Astarion, based on the dialogue, which is consistent with an Ascended Astarion that loves Tav and wants to please them. NOT abuse their love until they are nothing!

What puzzles me most, is that if you as the player know this is the outcome if you ascend Astarion WHY would anyone want to do that to their Tav, even if you are playing an "evil" run with your Tav, what "evil" Tav would put up with that, they would either kill Astarion or expect his complete devotion. Are you really telling me that a DURGE or "evil" run Tav would put up with abuse.

I could see a Tav that has done bad things, seeking punishment and safety through Ascended Astarion, HOWEVER, do you really think MOST players would choose that outcome for their Tav? Most "evil" people (role playing here) don't have a conscience, so seeking punishment would be the last thing on their mind.

I am all for player freedom, to role play as you see fit. What frustrates me so much with Astarion, is that the player is denied a romance if they ascend Astarion, this is not consistent with any of the other origin characters and is inconsistent with Astarion's dialogue and is frankly very frustrating! How about those of us that want Tav to become his immortal bride (and when I say Bride, I'm not being gender specific, what I am referring to is the role of a Vampire Bride in D&D lore).

I also don't understand players saying Ascended Astarion is "evil" how is he evil? Ruthless yes, however not evil. He only seeks to be safe and to protect Tav, his plan for that, if Tav gives the plan approval, is to control from the shadows. He asks Tav what do they want, they can chose to go on adventures instead. Astarion's "evil" is only indulged if Tav indulges it. At least that is the game play. What contridicts that for me are the kiss animations.

I do know that some players like the scared humiliated expressions, I won't lie, for me, my imagination just can't stretch far enough to ever make that OK for my Tav. BUT I am OK with this being an option for those that want it, however based on my impression of this thread and all the you-tube videos playing other character kiss animations with Astarion, Astarion romancers on the whole want more romance and don't like their Tav to look abused.

Domination play I can dig, I still want spicy kisses from an Ascended Astarion, BUT I also want at least one gentle kiss and personnally I would like Tav to bite and then kiss Astarion as a kiss option. BUT more than anything I don't want my Tav to look upset.

Everytime I think I have said all I can on the topic, a new well of frustration builds because I so want to do a new play through and ascend Astarion, BUT I just can't do that to my Tav.

Please Larian, I am needy, I need more Astarion! Especially an ascended Astarion that loves his Tav.

Bride reference: