To be honest I'm not fond of Wyll. Don't actually dislike him but find it difficult to be much more than mildly irritated by him. I've played through several times and I find him more and more annoying every time because I know things in advance that a new player to the game wouldn't.
I'm kinda set up to find him annoying from the first appearance all swash and no buckle, even on first play my every instinct was to just call him a show off with no substance. Then he lies to you. I played a sorceror and I 'knew' it was sending stone and he got all squirrely etc. So we plodded along with him moralising at me at every turn whilst being a total hypocrite and then Mizora frees him up to tell you how they met.
So he does and I just want to shake him till his teeth rattle for being a complete numptie.
Left in charge of a city having been trained for it all his life to this point. And what does he do?
First female whisper in his bedroom - and we know he's not in the habit of having female company at night don't we? So every alarm bell in his head should have been ringing.
'Come alone' should have been ignored by anyone in that situation, it was an evident trap of some sort.
So instead of being in his guarded and protected citadel, he's off haring into the countryside, minus an escort because of course a Duke's son running around like a tit, on his own, in the middle of the night is NEVER EVER going to be a target for every malcontent in the realm (sigh), and said missing well armed ducal escort could certainly have dealt with some cultists without Mizora's help, at the very least one could have been sent back to the citadel to get reinforcements - there was clearly time for that given Mizora called in judges to sort out his contract before anything kicked off, and they only have to disrupt the ritual not kill everyone there in the first few minutes.
I'm left wondering which family member got all the brains that were so clearly not given to Wyll, and to top it all the idiot is proud of it and can't seem to see he's been set up until hit over the head with it.
When he tells me that tale I just walk off muttering because I find the whole thing so annoyingly stupid - can't blame the pixel person, that particular deal is just plain bad writing but he's the one right there to irritate me.
And of course you know that even if he'd rolled over and gone back to sleep Mizora would have dealt with the cultists on her own anyway, because that was what Zariel sent her to do in the first place, which just puts the cherry on top of the badly put together cake.
Knowing all that after first playthrough makes him even more annoying on subsequent ones. As origin stories go its the worst one out of all the companions, I've never played as him and have no idea if his story makes more sense in that case - somehow I doubt it.
It's a shame really, there are occasional hints at something more but that's mostly all you get.
He's a victim of some very poor writing and that's what puts me off him really.

Last edited by Bethra; 11/05/24 05:29 PM.

# Justice for Astarion