Originally Posted by Hodo
I can say I enjoyed having the other origin characters with me the first 3 or 4 times.. but after that I got REAL tired of a couple of them real quick.

Gale because of his constant nagging or wanting to tell me some useless story.

Shadowheart because of her flashbacks and mental issues.

Lae'zel because of her nagging about the creche then about the other issues.

Honestly most play throughs I play now I leave them in camp and take hirelings or I just dont bother with them and rely on hirelings.

As for the overly sexualized... well its D&D. Horny nerds and their fantasies.
Don't pin it on D&D. No other D&D game (BG1-2, NWN, Gold Box,...) was even a fraction as horny as BG3, nor needed to be in order to be successful.