It's not just jokes like the horny bard trope, and calling the monster manual a "waifu catalogue". The D&D fandom are infamously responsible for publishing the Book of Erotic Fantasy, the Book of Unlawful Carnal Knowledge, and Nymphology. There's always been horny people here.
If you run with enough ttrpg groups that have been playing for more than a few years you'll realise that nearly everyone has a tale of that one time someone tried to vicariously play out a sexual fantasy via an rpg. Spend 10 minutes reading rpg horror stories and you'll find multiple examples.
Sometimes this can be as tame as one player trying to have their character romance another player's character because they have a crush (doing stuff like this stinks of roleplay bleed, and almost never works out the way the initiator wants it too). But sometimes it's the Dm trying to force their players to act out a fetish. I've personally been witness to both these examples. Shit like this is the very reason that people like me won't shut up about talking to your DM about personal boundaries, and for the wider community placing increased emphasis on having a non-play session 0 where players and DMs talk about content and establish hard boundaries.