Originally Posted by fylimar
Originally Posted by Ixal
Its obvious that many people here have never played D&D as tabletop.
The chainmail bikinis ect, are things players joke about, but they never happen in the game. In the few cases you do have such a horny guy at the table he is usually quickly kicked out for being weird.
The sexual content published as book or streaming is designed for non d&d players to grab their attention. Just like in BG3.
I agree. I play DnD a very long time now and never had chain mail bikinis or horny bards ( normally I'm the bard and I don't play horny)
Those stereotypes are more from other medias than tabletop.
I'll also add my agreement to this. Played TT D&D a lot back in my day when I was younger (so late 80s and through the 90s), and we never had any of this silliness or horniness in our many games, and if we happened to end up with a player like that they got bounced right quick (or learned to become mature right quick). Even something like barrelmancy would have not been tolerated in any of the groups I played with. And this even though my groups were always very happy-go-lucky, and we were all about drinking beer and eating pizza while playing, teasing and joking with one another and the like.

Last edited by kanisatha; 15/05/24 01:48 PM.