Originally Posted by Marielle
Question - does anyone like the shoving off after Tav's attempt to kiss Astarion (in the bite kiss)? I just haven't seen anyone excited about it yet, so maybe it should be removed altogether and no one will be upset about it? There's the Karlach kiss - already filmed scene, you just need to change Karlach's facial expressions to Tav's facial expressions that the modder gave us - that's a good version of the kiss with a bite. Origin characters are played by a small number of players, mostly everyone plays Tav/DU, if there is a need to give Karlach originality, just leave her her sour face, and give us our facial expressions, and it will be original. I also think the shoving goes against Astarion's possessive nature, in the scene where he pushes Tav down it was completely different, he pushed Tav down and ended up on top, he didn't shove Tav away from him.

I don't love it no. But like Liryfire I have a hard time seeing the kisses behind the mask of horror and disgust on my character's face.
I like the submission but not so much the humiliation.

I'm also one who would like to move the kneeling kiss to perhaps the epilogue tavern scene (even though I do really like the kneeling kiss, if my character had the right expression!) because I don't think it fits in the repeatable kissing animations. And in my mind cheapens the kneeling during the night-of-turning, which is so freaking well done. Ascended Astarion romance scene is the best romance scene in any game. No competition for me. Having the kneeling kiss as a throwback at the end of the game would be perfect.

Originally Posted by Zayir
Edit: Uh, this thread has 66,666 views right now. Evil.

Spooky. Confirmation that we are being watched... wink

Last edited by KiraMira; 16/05/24 03:10 PM.