I think you are way too hung up on that one screen Marielle. This is more about allowing romances taking unexpected turns when it is appropriate than about necessarily squeezing all of these elements into each and every romance. From what I have heard, Lae'zel dumps you if she remains on the Vlaakith path, Shart degrades you to a friend-with-benefits when she becomes Mother Superior, Gale dumps you if you first edge him on to take the Crown and then last minute change your mind about it at the dock. I haven't heard anyone complain about either. You can be piece of garbage to all of your romantic interests at some point, which makes being a decent person to them feel like it has weight.

Personally, I like romance to be the B-plot and have it tied into the main story, so it lends an additional layer of emotion to the goings on. I prefer it to be heavy on the friendship and adventuring aspect and thus do like it depicted as an interaction between and exploration of the personal stories of both characters involved.

Last edited by Anska; 30/05/24 11:21 AM.