Originally Posted by Conrad Curze
Originally Posted by Drakaah
Originally Posted by Conrad Curze
It's so good to return after all these months and see that everything I warned you about happened exactly as I said would happen. When I told you weeping on some god forsaken forum was not enough - you called me toxic. When I told Larian never planned to give her good ending - you called me a troll. And now I can say that it was very long time since I was this happy because you and Karlach got exactly what you deserve.

"You and Karlach got what you deserved" Okay bro, so you didn't really care about Karlach at all and just used her to be a toxic prick? Gotcha

I cared more than any of you, the end justified means for me. But this pathetic spectacle just convinced me it was not worth it anymore. Remember you all telling me was to "trust larian"? What did it bring you? What have you achieved?

I dont remember exchanging a single word with you.