I apologise to Halsin fans as what I’m about to say may hurt your feelings.

I know it’s upsetting hearing someone post a negative view of a characters that you love however please keep in mind not everyone loves the characters you love.

The update hasn’t fixed the creepy nice guy vibes Halsin has going on right now.

I have a recent save from my resit urge play thru that I started after the patch and he still has the banter with Shadowheart with Very low approval where I hadn’t talked to him at all beside the forced conversion after the party and to get him to fetch Thanel.

I also had a play thru after the patch that I did turn him down and he still had the banter with shadowheart.

It’s bad enough IRL that we deal with the nice guy bs we don’t need this is the place we go to escape.

I’am just disappointed that there isn’t even a way to stop that banter between Shadowheart and Halsin without resorting to killing Halsin or benching him in the hopes a spoiler happens.

I really wished more care was put into the poly aspect because as it is right now as a monogamous player i feel like they’re locking us out of a romance with Shadowheart.

I just wished they had added a conversation with shadowheart to express wanting to be exclusive.

I would love for in game confirmation that Shadowheart / Halsin are Ambiamorous.

It’s really annoying that if you accidentally come across a YouTube video or a TT video with the banter you’ll find out that Shadowheart isn’t monogamous.

I really hope some of the websites that claim Shadowheart is monogamous update their website as she clearly isn’t when it come to Halsin.

It’s just a big f you and a waste of time for people that want a
monogamous relationship with shadowheart.