Originally Posted by Ametris
Originally Posted by Ixal
Its really sad to see how much Larian simplified the game during EA to arrive at the bad fanfiction level of storytelling we have now and even sadder is that they have success with it thanks to thirsters which is not a good sign for the quality of future games.

Originally Posted by Marielle
I even have a changed opinion of Halsin as a result - he's not a bad character who fell victim to bad fanfics and Discord posters. It's sad that in order to please one part of the audience, an RPG game is ruined for those who wanted to play an RPG and not a novel like this. Narrowing the audience to some “their circle” in a AAA class game is simply unfair. There are erotic novels - their own genre, great, but how simplistic and spoils the story when that genre becomes romance in an RPG game.

I'm sure we can expect more of that in the future games. Fun times ahead. shadowheartdisapprove

Which is why I won't buy anything from Larian at release anymore, but will wait months so that I can judge how bad it is.