I don't see enough love for the short races, so I thought, I open this thread.
Post your favourite npcs, show off your characters and tell us, who you would have loved as a short race companion.

My favourite npcs are Barcus Wroot (no surprise, I guess, he is one of my favourite characters in the game), the Hearthflame sisters (and I wish the game had focussed more on their story) stonemason Kith and that cheeky halfling lady in the Ilmater temple, who tells the oliphant inspector off.

I would really have been ok, if any of the companions would have been made a small race. Only Lae'zel and Karlach are defined by their races to be honest, the rest would work as any race. But I'm still sad, they scratched Helia, the halfling werewolf bard. I also would have loved, if they made Barcus a companion. He is pretty involved in all three acts and has a very nice storyarc with a really good payoff in act 3. I'm honestly more invested in his arc than some of the companions.
From a story involvment persepctive, a duergar would have worked well too - some gnarly duergar warrior, maybe seeing the error of their ways or double down on it, depending on how the party leans (I would have been fine with any gender). But mainly I would have loved out best friend Barcus as a companion (which would probably have required the artificer class actually be in the game, but since one of the main villains is basically an artificer, that should be doable).

As for characters - my first playthrough was a halfling lady romancing Shadowheart and it was very sweet. She was the classical happy go lucky character, but accidently got Rolan killed in the Shadowlands. Apart from that and the fact, that I didn't know, there was another way to keep Karlach alive, so she agreed with Karlachs proposal to make her a mindflayer, she had an all around good ending.
[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

I'm doing a redemption Durge run currently with another Halfling bard, I called Helia - as an hommage to the scratched origin(I tried that before, but had to reinstall the game, because the save got corrupted). She will be yearning for innocence, so I might let her romance Wyll or Karlach, since those two are probably the most classical good characters in the game, but we will see. She will try to save everyone after the Durge moment in act 1 (and no, I will not cheese that one and will play it out as intended) and pretty much defies her former allies whenever she can.
[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

And I made one of my pen & paper characters, a gnome artificer ( with the artificer mod, which is really great). She is highly intelligent, but not very streetwise, so she might be a bit gullible at first, but will toughen up along the way. In our pen & paper group, she is the one always trying to find a peaful soloution for everything, because 'I don't think, those gnolls are really evil, they just need a hug'.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

I have a dwarven cleric named Iduna somewhere, but I plan on remaking her, since I wasn't that happy with her setup.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who