Every Dragon Age game is different though. Tone changed from DA:O => DA2 => DA:I.
That’s been the strength and weakness of the series, as if you really liked one, you probably didn’t like the others that much.
The trailer didn’t look appealing to me either, but none of DA trailers did. I am more interested in seeing the game proper… well, curious would be a better word. I am not particularly fond of any of the DA games, and didn’t like BioWare game since Mass Effect2 so I don’t expect for things to change now.
Not only the tone. Bioware had been band-wagon jumpers all along. But more recent David Gaider shared a bit of additional insights why Origins was bound to be a one-off in terms of mechanics. Even if Bioware themselves had wanted to keep the formula (which was meant to be a throwback to BG) -- contributing to veterans such as Brent Knowles
to leave for good earlier on. ![[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]](https://i.imgur.com/YZH73hk.png)
In a sense, the only constant they build their company around to bank upon was their writers... Everything else has always been up for completely grabs and kept simple, with the goal of aggressively targeting non-RPG players. Until a few of those writers felt pissed and left as well. Writers are of some importance to any narrative piece of work. But in mechanically lighter games, they carry the bulk of the experience -- see visual novels at that most extreme.
https://www.eurogamer.net/david-gaider-claims-bioware-quietly-resented-writersProbably for the better what's happened ten years ago with initially mainly crowdfunding and the growing indie scene with digital distribution. Oh, and play SKALD, it's
cheap and fun!