Originally Posted by Celesti4
Like Astarion shaking his head and laughing at Tav, or Tav looking upset.

Yeah, but I can understand why they pay attention to Astarion's face, they made a smirk like on the game poster.
But honestly all their work is going to zero and minus while Tav\DU face looks like this.
Like? Tav helped with the genocide of 7k souls yesterday, said "yes" to everything. Astarion a bit, shoving both in the graveyard and in the bedroom - and then this morning he does a rough sorta play bite-kiss and my Tav looks like a damsel in distress.
It's kind of a total miss for the story.

I could argue that miss for Astarion as a character, but I now it's obvious he's being written by multiple hands with different ideas.

I can tell you that division:
- this one has only passion and wildness.
- this one has only softness.
already miss, Astarion attracts with its layered moments, complex.

So Origin Karlach, a romance with Astarion.
Karlach is the first time you can kiss, and touch your love for the first time. In the perspective, they both die.
What kind of kiss does that conjure up in your mind? Imagine, and I'll tell you what I have: something passionate with an embrace that I couldn't move away from her, it's a very emotional moment. Stand for a long time huddled together.

Astarion 2 act:
"I've been waiting so long for this"
grabs her face, (and when someone grabs your face, you freeze with surprise, Astarion discouraging his partner a bit), turns sharply, looks at her neck, pulls her face in, kisses her, and then cuts off the kisses himself, holding her lips, makes a slight "hmph-ph" >:?

I can tell he's being wild and playful because he knows he won't hurt his partner. He can relax and do what he likes and is comfortable with.
And he likes-- He's doing the Power Play. When he decides the kiss starts, when it ends.
It's pretty mean ?D for the very first kiss between partners that they've been waiting for.

But Larian didn't really explain tastes and tendencies of his. So that the player studied it understood it and could deal with it.
That's not the only thing Larian didn't explain of course.
Given the trend, it's best not to try, touch anything