1) races: war forged, rabbit race, a cat and wolf-like race (even a werewolf sub-race for humans and others that let them change as per lycanthropy ) frog race, thikreen and other darksun races, and so many more
2) classes seemed pretty well covered as well as sub-classes, but more would be cool
3) more voices, not just generic but some that are like famous people like Christopher Walken, Schwarzenegger, and others some generic deep or those with a Celtic or Scottish flare and other nationalities would be great as well.
4) Things that would add to the game like random encounters or variation on some enemies, there is a few like this already and it does spice it up a bit.
5) horses not sure if this is possible but I see cows and such so horse riding would be cool and would make for open combat as well as some sub-classes like mounted knight to be made, in this case mounted wrong riders would be cool as the enemy, saw a mounted dragon but never got in a fight with it though.