Originally Posted by Black_Elk
I prefer villains, so I like Korrilla, especially since she's in all 3 acts. I thought she might have made for an alright Yoshimo type character, maybe not that hardcore for a turnaround, but something similar. I like Roah as well, even if she presents more as a returning merchant rather than a character that might have joined the ranks. I like that they both have an associated faction with a longer reach, which lends some extra flavor there. I also like how they reappear at Inns or the hub areas periodically, which recalls to mind how BG1 the companions would usually be hanging out by an inn or some important merchant location, sorta winking like 'pick me!'

I still wish that BG3 was less preoccupied with the main Origin Companions and instead focused on providing more variety in party composition, like in BG1 where you'd just dismiss a companion and they'd bounce to make room for someone new at various points. Korrilla has a nice set up. She's easy to miss in Act I, but if you get that one for an introduction the main character pretty much owes her a life debt. This would be an interesting inversion of the usual trope. Typically it's the Protagonist who saves the companion, who then has that hanging over them as a reason for loyalty. In this case that would be flipped, which could be cool. Maybe when she disapproves, she spouts off some line about how she should have left us to die back at the Goblin camp lol. Clearly she's not all that sympathetic as you approach the endgame, but I like how she's lurking around at various points and keeping tabs on us. I think it would have been nice to see a total of say 24 recruitable companions 2 for each Class archetype, basically a hero and a villain for each.

Not that they have to stay that way necessarily, but where they start out I mean. I just don't need anywhere near the amount of characterization that we get from the Origins half the time, like a couple barks and banters would do just fine, I can supply the rest in my head. I think done that way the companions would feel more like a resource, some kinda wheres waldo on that, where part of the charm is tricking out the companions and itemizing them based on whatever starting stat blocks are available there. If they blocked the respec stuff to lvl 2 instead of all the way back to lvl 1, then they'd have a way to gate certain companions by starting class which would feel pretty BG. Gives the player something to work with, but still keeping the core archetypes.

For that, Korilla could contrast with Wyll, giving us a somewhat more typical Warlock (since Wyll really comes across like someone who's only accidentally a Warlock by happenstance.) I mean his heart's not really in it, if you let him make his own shot calls. He'd rather be some kind of Swords Bard or something probably. Then at least I'd have one Dwarf companion, with less judgement about the lack of beard or being frustrated by insufficiently gravely voice sets, since I think her voice is pretty great.


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I really like Korrilla - and her sister Hope. If Korrilla were a companion, freeing Hope could have been her quest resolve in act 3 and Hope could have become a secret companion like Minsc. Basically I love both Hearthflame sisters and I'm still sad, they got sidelined so much. This game did the small races a bit dirty.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who