I went back to the game to capture this, but either I remembered it wrong (probably) or they've changed the camera angles.

Shortly before I played BG3 I was playing a halfling ranger in D&D. But I never really thought about his height, despite it being right in the race name. He was a halfling simply so that he could ride his wolf companion. I've never been next to a wolf: how big are they? Big enough for a halfling to sit on, of course! I think I sort of had the idea that his head was about chest height (conversely, I always used to think dwarves were much smaller than they actually are.

Anyway, I was a few hours in to BG3, not really having thought much about my character's height. And I'll recount the version in my head, because it's better than the video. I'm in the Emerald Grove,

and I find the cage with the goblin prisoner and the tiefling threatening to shoot her with a crossbow. Step in front of the crossbow I choose, because I'm good in more of the modern-day sense than the Detect Good and Evil sense. Myrna strides in between them with a determined expression, folds her arms and looks the tiefling in the eye. Then the camera pulled back to show that she's 3 feet tall and the tiefling still has a clear line of sight to the goblin hehe

[Linked Image from files.trantion.uk]

I mean, it's the statement that counts.