Originally Posted by Metarra
It seems that Larian wants to discourage people from romancing AA.
Perhaps the botched AA kisses wouldn't feel so bad if the UA romance route was fleshed out more.... but I still think AA fans should get satisfying kisses, which means not forcing unhappy expression on peoples' faces.

We are all adults playing an RPG. I think if we where sitting around a table and playing this together it would be unacceptable to have someone interrupting a player everytime they went for a kiss with their romance describing pain, fear and anger on someone elses character. Why would someone do this? To me it sounds like someone trying to punish and make someone else leave the table. The unwanted "evil" players perhaps? I really can't stand a justice crusade when it is targeting real people for thinking differently, I think diversity and creativity should be welcomed, not hammered back into place.