Issue 1/Technical

First off, I wanted to create a new account as it would have been so much faster, but that option is currently unavailable. Literally -- "Fehlerhinweis für Inhaber der Website: schlüsssltyp ungültig" - the captcha program stopped working, with an error message that denotes it as explicitly forum owner business. You might want to get that looked at.

Secondly, the "temporary password" just would not work. Took me half an hour to log in after digging up the correct old email. I could not remember my name.

Thirdly, half your unhide/show password icons are missing and copy key disabled, which makes checking if a password is entered correctly a small mess on top.

Issue 2/bug?

Is it a bug? I don't know... I can't remember the English name for the item, but there is only one cape. I remember it working with any enemy kills before, but on this new run:

- full custom party
- cape on night 2
- forgot about it, only noticed it had not activated once by the time I killed the spider matriarch. I've wiped out the entire blighted village, several undead, some NPCs, etc, nothing. Is there a new condition to get it to work, or is the item currently completely dysfunctional? It doesn't seem related to temporary hostility or undead status, it just does nothing. For the record, I'm working with several mods ATM, none of which have caused issues yet, but just in case.