Originally Posted by JandK
The exaggeration never fails to amaze me.

Play for an hour and then spend half an hour trying to fix issues? C'mon, Nell Carter says Gimme a Break!

Thousands, hundreds of thousands of people have played this game and enjoyed it. Personally, I've played thousands of hours myself.

The idea that the game is broken to the extent that's being suggested is just silly. It's hard to take arguments seriously when they engage in this kind of over-the-top rhetoric.

You'd think the game was built on bubble gum and shoestrings to listen to some of you talk. Feels like a bunch of 'bah humbug!'

All I suggest is taking it down a notch. Saying, "Here are some issues I've had a problem with..."
This is not an exaggeration. This was my literal timed average for Act 1. Sometimes it took two hours of finding a solution, sometimes it took 15 minutes, but this is what it ended up looking like. You may not like it, but you don't get to tell me that I hallucinated the last week.

I don't have infinite break time. Because of the extreme bugginess, I spend much more time in Act 1 than I would have liked. If it wasn't for some helpful people, I'd still have permanently no access to my camp chest. There were issues that are still unresolved and I've given up on. If I knew in advance which issues were unsolveable, I could have saved a lot of time. As I don't have thousands of hours in the game, you will have to forgive my ignorance.

I sped through Act 2 so far, where the bugs are mostly dead bodies ragdolling, NPCs not wanting to talk to me (can't finish the quest) and a Halsin disappearance. I already know if I tried to fix this, I would end up with another 4-5 hours+ of bugfixing under my belt. This is what happens if you have to reload major fights on tactician modded to behave like honour mode. I'm glad I didn't take the risk of real honour mode, I would have been locked out of even more content. It is what it is, I literally don't have the time to chase down a druid that a part of me is glad I don't have to deal with.