Originally Posted by KiraMira
I'm so relieved I'm actually crying. It's ridiculous how much this means to me. Now I really can not wait for Patch 7!

Originally Posted by Natasy
To the creators and all who worked on this at the Larian studio THANK YOU. Thank you for taking this into account!

Also big thank you to all here who didn't give up, and to the modding community who created facial expressions for us in the meantime. I have no doubt every bit of change and discussion has helped.

Thank you Larian for taking the time to address the issue!! I can finally play the game again! I'm so excited.

I feel the same. :') I'm feeling relief for everyone who felt so passionate about getting this issue fixed, and everyone who played a part in their own way in making this change happen. I'm thankful to all those who kept this conversation going and everything that was done to help get our thoughts over to Larian. It looks like we really were heard. <3 I'm relieved that the voices of the AA romance fans were the ones which were listened to (in regards to this issue).

Originally Posted by LiryFire
Tthank you very much, Celesti4! That's good to hear.
the character is a little bit confused, I think? Understandably it's a subtle, sensual work, in the night scene it was done very carefully and with respect to those who like that kind of dynamic in games and romance.
It's important to match the mood and music even so people enjoy it and don't feel judged or mocked, especially when it's something intimate.
I hope the 7th patch will be fine.
It was weird from the beginning to change the already happy kisses to ones that fit 2-3 character lines and completely contradict a dozen others. Especially for a dark urge.
Not everyone wants to play the victim who approaches the kiss themselves and fears\hates Astarion when he doesn't restrain himself, it seems.
I wonder if they'll add the new neck bite kisses that modder found in the game files. Maybe before the battle or in the epilogue.

We'll see
I agree! I hope most of the issues will be addressed in Patch 7. It is still sad that it happened in the first place and that some players were hurt by it. But I'm thankful Larian is now addressing this.

And I will chime in with the others: New neck bite kisses??? This just gets more and more exciting smile
I'd be so happy if we got an epilogue kiss, which I was sorely missing, or if the kiss before the final battle is replaced with a new one.

From the very short clip, it looks to me like a neutral face (with tense anticipation or expectation?) which is what many people were hoping for and can fit to most people's RPing style and playthroughs doing the AA romance. I think people can likely see what they want to see in it (unlike before, where a look of fear and horror was too clearly put upon the player). I hope that the character's expressions after the kisses will also no longer look unhappy/upset.