After seeing the announcement that Tav's faces when kissing ascended Astarion will change with the next patch, I would like to make the suggestion to make this change optional for players. This way, it would remain possible for players who found the old facial expressions fitting for their character to uphold the envisioned narrative of their story. Personally, I think both narratives are equally possible and it would be nice to have the chance to choose how my different characters react to the kisses. Thank you!

Edit to add: I think it would be a good idea to add a small line of narrator dialogue with a choice attached for this purpose, or use one of the already existing options that express Tav's discomfort (such as the attempted breakup)

Edit 2: I would like to clarify, I do not want the new expressions Larian announced to be changed or not added. All I'm asking for is the possibility to keep the ones that are already in the game, too, because that was the story I experienced with my character. It's really not my intention to upset anyone, or for the fearful expressions to be forced onto other people's player characters again. I understand the faces that came with patch 6 messed up the roleplaying aspect for a lot of people, and I feel that the same thing would happen with my Tav if the coming change is mandatory for everyone. I am only asking for the option to play my character the way I want to, not for others to share my narrative or play the same way.

Last edited by ladyincognita; 03/08/24 09:31 PM. Reason: Suggestion, clarification