Originally Posted by papercut_ninja
Originally Posted by KiraMira
Originally Posted by papercut_ninja
How exactly does an option that allows another player to experience the ascended Astarion romance the way they interpret it infringe upon your experience if it's optional?

Why would you want to have it optional? Do you even play this romance at all? Can it not be nautral like it looks like in the small preview we was shown?

I thought you didn't want to change the new kiss animation now that they where announced, but now you suddenly care? Do you just like to be provocative in terms of the AA romance maybe?

I just don't see why the option would distract anything from anyone else. It's like some child throwing a tantrum that if you don't play with my toy the right way you can't have it.

Discussing technical issues or priorities I can understand, but the possessive selfishness of no one should be allowed to experience this romance in any other way than I want them to, I don't understand.

Neutral expressions allows for both parties to enjoy, not catering to the extremes. not super happy or super sad. I would think that would be "perfect" for you since it does not allow anyone to "possess" the romance?