Originally Posted by KiraMira
Originally Posted by LiryFire
And that "I'm afraid of kisses" line will only be with the one man for the path of evil.
With Mintara, is someone asking for an opition to be afraid of her?
Technically there's something to be afraid of. That kind of story should be left to the imagination with the mods.

I agree the extremes should be in any optional mods, not in the base game. I'm sure scared faces for Minthara kisses will take off after the mod support release. She is a drow after all, makes "sense" for her character too.

People lately seem to be interested in angst about "toxic controlling relationships", including yaoi trope. But the thing is, the whole story of Mintara and Astarion, Lord Astarion strongly implies that the player is "on the same page" and clearly not a delicate-fragile-"trapped" since they see how these two relate to the world.

It just doesn't make sense then not to press "break up" or start a relationship at all, but yes mods are mods that are written by another story.

Last edited by LiryFire; 03/08/24 11:19 AM.