Originally Posted by KiraMira
Originally Posted by Anska
Originally Posted by Every
I want a different set of "facial expressions" at the Astarion Spawn or God Gale please give me that option. It's not gonna be a big deal, right? Everyone can choose different stories to interpret, in a romance with OTHER characters.

What facial expression for the spawn kiss? All you see during the new spawn kiss, is the back of Astarion's head (edit: unless you play as a very tall character). Maybe that's the solution for all these troubles too, simply hide Tav's face in all kiss animations?

I hope they do something about that too in Patch 7. Even though they did not mention it specifically, they did seem to mean several kiss animations.
And yeah, I hope any scared faces would be in mods and not base game, including for kisses with Spawn Astarion.

Yeah, me too, I'm generally in favor of having only 1 set in a game with kisses, and a positive one of course. After all, it is a kiss! But if we're talking about making only Ascended Astarion have 2 options,then I quite reasonably demand this for all companions as well. Otherwise you get some kind of double standard.

Last edited by Every; 03/08/24 01:35 PM.