Originally Posted by KiraMira
Originally Posted by Anska
It's also weird that when starting the kissing animation with Astarion, you still ask if you can kiss him, which is reflective of the release peck. However in all of his new kissing animations, he is the one kissing you. So the text might need an update.

It is the same for MInthara too, I believe. At least one of them. I really like the MInthara kisses, just wish her romance was more fleshed out.

Originally Posted by Every
Yeah, me too, I'm generally in favor of having only 1 set in a game with kisses, and a positive one of course. After all, it is a kiss! But if we're talking about making only Ascended Astarion have 2 options, then I'm perfectly reasonable to demand it for all companions as well. Otherwise you get some kind of double standard.

I get what your saying. I feel like for some it's fine as long as they don't have such expressions in their romance, which I get, we care more about what is closer to home. Romance makes the most sense with positive faces, imo, but I'm really happy with the neutral one they showed us in the preview. It looks really good, I hope everything looks just as good and makes sense in the final patch.

I also hope, everything will be fine in patch 7, especially we haven't seen all the changes yet.... That's why such thread are very surprising and disturbing.