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#945123 16/07/24 08:30 AM
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Vearack Offline OP
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Hi all! I have recently completed my first playthrough of BG3 and LOVED it! By far my favourite thing has been really getting into the characters head and roleplaying their choices and decisions using their background to influence their playstyle. In essence I love roleplaying as them. Now I find myself looking at character creation, reading the character backgrounds and attempting to figure out who I want to play as next.

All in all I am keen for some inspiration! I would love to hear about your characters in any detail; from their personalities, their life before the nautilus or even just the barebones of what you imagined for them when you were sitting in character creation looking at all the different classes and backgrounds.

Basically, I'm handing out a free pass to gush about why you love your main character.

Last edited by Vearack; 16/07/24 08:31 AM.
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Sure, I'll give you the details on my successful honour run character.

Miscka, a dwarf sorcerer/rogue with the soldier background:

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Her backstory is that she was part of a special military unit called the Twilight Crows (loosely based on the Soviet 588 Bomber Regiment of WW2, the "Night Witches"). The Twilight Crows used stealth and magic to harass enemies and cause attrition during sieges and marches, striking quickly from the shadows before disappearing back into the darkness. Her unit was on leave in Baldur's Gate when the nautiloid attacked and being a commander she became the one to quickly take charge of the survivors of the crash and lead the group.

Her personality is a complex blend of cunning and discipline. Fearless and determined while also resourceful and able to adapt and think on her feet. While she is quick to take charge in strategic situations, outside of her area of expertise she is generally rather stoic and reserved. She doesn't let people in close and the story of the game is how she develops a bond of honor and duty with her companions to eventually take it upon herself to keep them all safe and make sure no one is left behind. She has a romance with Karlach and eventually follows her to Avernus.

My favourite part about this character is how it translated into the mechanics of the game. She is basically a stealthy assassin, but instead of blades and arrows she uses magic attacks and her sorcery metamagic to attack quickly from stealth at long range. Focusing on spell sniper and getting the critical hit threshold as low as possible she could deal massive damage with just cantrips and then disappear back into stealth beyond the enemies' vision. It was brutally effective, especially in combination with Karlach who wielded the Trident of the Waves that would inflict wet condition upon enemies for Miscka to attack with her twinned and quickened Cold Rays.

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Vayu Stormgust, air genasi sword bard and fluent in sarcasm - he is a ttrpg character and my current HM run (I substituted air genasi with wood elf, since I lost a HM run to a modded race and didn't want that again)
He grew up in Icewind Dale, but moved away, when he lost his fiance, who was a ranger, in a mysterious accident. He made a living in Baldurs Gate, when the Nautiloid snatched him. While his priority is finding a cure, he is a helper at heart and so takes the time, to help the refugees. During their travels, he fell in love with Gale, who reminds him a bit of his dead fiance,

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Helia Moonglow - resisting Durge, halfling and bard or Selune light cleric, depending on playthrough. SHe is a hommage to the scratched origin, a werewolf halfling bard, I substituted the Durge background for the werewolf part. Her background is pretty much fixed by the Durge origin, so I won't say too much, to not spoil it.
She had a bad whoopsie in act 1 and is trying to become a good person. She found Selune along the road, much to SHadowhearts dismay, though both get along pretty well.

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Liral, githzerai rogue/conjuration ice mage. She came to Faerun as a child during a portal accident that left her stranded alone in Faerun. She was found and raised by a paladin of the Ilmater temple in Rivington. She herself is not religious, but she kept in contact with some members of the temple. Her adoptive father is often travelling, so not always there, but she visits Donnick, the cook, who makes the best mushroom soup in Faerun according to Liral, and father Loghain, who always has a fun story to tell, often. During one of her visits, she was snatched by the Nautiloid (and will have a nasty surprise, when she visits the temple again). She lied about her background and Lae'zel thought, she was a very inexperienced and not very competent githyanki at first. After they got along better, Liral told her the truth (Liral will be my headcanon reason, Lae'zel will reach out to the githzerai or make Orpheus reach out in the end).

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I could post tons more, but that would be too much. I made a lot of my pen & paper characters into BG3 characters.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

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The hero of my current PT is a Seldarine drow monk, known simply as Lola. Her real Seldarine name is unknown. The community where she grew up lived close to the Cloak Woods. At a very early age, a catastrophy happened to the area. Lola was only a toddler and she never learned exactly what happened, but it was a violent event that destroyed numerous villages and solitary farms and homesteads in a wide area. Lola was found and raised by a clan of Korreds who inhabited Cloak Wood and who gave her her name (Dolorosa, Lola for short).

This fey community had occasional contact with human and elf druids and rangers passing through the area. When Lola was about 6 years old, three monks passed through the Korred domain. Lola was very impressed and admirative of the monks' quickness and toughness. When they left, she followed them in secret. She was quickly found and captured though. But realizing that the Korreds were not the ideal community to raise this child , the monks accepted her as an apprentice and took her with them to their monastery up the sword coast.

There Lola completed her training. She was very disciplined training herself, mind and body, but not so disciplined when it came to the chores and rules of the monastery. When things went out of hand, she was sent away to do penance and some "re-education" at a religious center dedicated to Bahamut. On the way there, she was captured by the mindflayers.

Her alignment is chaotic neutral/good. She takes care of herself first, then her closest friends, and then others that she deems to be oppressed or abused by stronger forces. She has little respect for authority and will do pretty much whatever she thinks is best.

She has no patron deity, although of all the Gods she learned about in her monastery days, Tempus turned out to be her preference.

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playing d'urg makes a great 2nd run... i wouldn't go there first until you have at least 1 under your belt

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as for background... thats the nice part of D'urg not knowing what happened and makes a Shadowheart romance interesting as you share that 'can't share' vibe

Last edited by Ussnorway; 17/07/24 05:42 AM.

Luke Skywalker: I don't, I don't believe it.
Yoda: That is why you failed.
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This is Myrna Brandybuck, Lightfoot Halfling Bard

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Mechanically, I made her because years ago, after playing Skyrim as a big burly Nord man in heavy armour with a big sword, I thought "wouldn't it be funny to play as a little, shy-looking woman who can throw fireballs and shout people off mountains?" but due to computer problems that never happened. I remembered the idea when I started BG3, but at the time I was playing a wizard in Pathfinder and a sorcerer in D&D, but had never really done a bard.

Story-wise, is much better, although I built up her personality over time as I found what felt right in the first act or so. Myrna grew up in a halfling village in Amn, hearing stories from travelers and reading about great adventures, and started to dream about being the one to capture these stories. When she grew up she moved to Baldur's Gate to study at bard college, but she's actually pretty introverted and, despite learning to handle an audience, never managed to approach those adventurers who kept forming level 1 parties in the tavern like right there. The opening of BG3 throws her out of her comfort zone, and her story through the game is how she overcomes her shyness, first with the companions and during critical scenes (the adrenaline of potential lethal combat helps a bit), and then opening up more and more until she becomes a new, confident person who strides back into Baldur's Gate in act 3.

She starts focussed on removing the tadpole, but soon realises that she can help people, and will always help someone in danger, no payment needed. She especially thinks that the small folk need to work together to help each other in a world built for people twice their size, so she always rushes to help the gnomes up until that point she has to make a choice (though it wasn't a hard choice).
However, she can be impulsive and quick to anger if someone insults her, or abuses the weak
like Nere killing the gnomes in Grimforge
. She's not above lying to people she are evil, either, e.g.
"Yes, I will go and beat your slaves for you! I'll, uh, need payment in advance"
. She's sometimes overconfident, but also gets scared and will avoid certain dangers - generally the sort that an adventurer can't make go away easily, like
Gale threatening to explode.

By the end of the game, Myrna was great friends with Shadowheart
(Seûnite Shadowheart)
, Jaheira, and Alfira. She stuck a stake in Astarion's gut, never having liked the guy. Her biggest tragedy is that when Wyll asked her out, she was still too shy to kiss him. He never asked again.

This is the first time I've fully roleplayed a custom character in a video game (probably influenced by tabletop roleplaying), and it was brilliant! It turns out it's a lot of fun to fail for a good reason, to pick the option I know is wrong but that my character doesn't or that her emotions in the moment cloud her judgement. I've just started Cyberpunk 2077, and I'm doing the same thing there, though he'll be a very different character.

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Happy to join! Here are some story highlights of my Githyanki Necromancer, Sava. Soldier background, lead tactician of the "Risen Legion" and keeper of the peace with intimidation checks (More pictures here...)

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Tav'ith'sava, Sava for short, hatched at Crèche Ende'zor, deep underneath the Uthangol Mountains, in the Year of the Emerald Sun, 1454DR. She trained in the ways of the soldier but was later sent to a base in the Astral Sea to become a necromancer under the guidance of Sa'varsh Di'klathu. The powerful necromancer Di'klathu moved her operation to the fringes of Elturgard in the Year of the Nether Mountain Scrolls, 1486DR. Unbeknownst to Sava, Di'klathu had fallen into disfavour with Tunarath and tried to win it back by providing new magical formulae, healing potions and undead horrors for the fight against the ghaik. This meant that Sava could not rely on supplies from across the mortal plane, but had to learn how to purvey components and ingredients for her disgraced sa'varsh's experiments in the wilderness and societal fringes, trying to hide her Gith-background when moving among the scum of the Sword Coast. Di'klathu's ever more desperate struggle to win back the favour of her queen led her to make the acquaintance of Balthazar and selling Sava to the Absolute. Sava was spending a nice afternoon looking for Rogue's Morsel, WHEN SUDDENLY...

Starting Act 1, Sava was a mean Githyanki raider stranded on the mortal plane. She clung to the remote hope that they may find a way to get the tadpole removed, but barred that, killing as many ghaik and their thralls on the way and die fighting was plan B. Picking up the cleric of some dark power and a vampire spawn on the way, seemed to set the course for an evil campaign. But, while they were watching some human fools running from goblins, Sava decided that siding with a druid grove would be the wiser choice. Sava's strategy was a path of destruction, scorched earth and no survivors. But, along the way she also met Wyll and Karlach, Gale, orphans, refugees, Scratch and later Halsin and Jaheira (Minsc: "AND BOO!"). She found beauty and love in the darkest places. Sava realized that if this path of destruction was supposed to lead anywhere, she had to quickly pick up some skills that weren't in the nature of a Githyanki - empathy, mercy, kindness and -ugh- moderation. A change of character only made possible by the telepathic link of the tadpoles, but if you tell Sava I said that, I will deny everything and say I got hacked.

Her relationship with Lae'zel had a rocky start with both trying to boss each other around and pulling in opposite directions. Had she completed her training under Sa'varsh Di'klathu, Sava would have ranked almost as high as a Kith'rak, yet she had to keep little miss princess K'liir from running to her execution court without giving away too much about the troubled history with her kin. Sharing a tent probably didn't help either. So, Sava accepted the Tir'su lessons and Lae'splaining as signs of affection after they broke up and was able to keep Lae'zel from dying from her stubbornness and blind faith in Vlaakith's champions.

As a necromancer, Sava had never exceeded the rank of a lab assistant before her trip on the nautiloid. On the road to Reithwin, all she had previously learned finally fell into place. Somewhere between the Risen Road and Moonrise Towers, the Risen Legion was born. When the "Risen Legion" attacked, it was like clockwork. The blinders blow, skeleton archers on the gallery, flying ghouls go for the mages and clerics, mummies in the back giving remaining threats stink eyes, then in with Lae'zel and Karlach dimension dooring from unprotected angles to dish out the pain. By the time they reached the Lower City of Baldur's Gate, Sava's idea of a good fight was to plough over the surprised opposition within two rounds without losing a drop of blood and then stealing the bodies and looting all the shelves, crates and barrels. She was still a Githyanki after all. But we're not there yet...

As the Risen Legion approached the lower levels of the Gauntlet of Shar, Lae'zel and Sava had a falling out. Not willing to lose her, Sava grudgingly agreed to take the group to Crèche Y'llek. Balthazar was dead, the Umbral Gems all secured, the Absolute Army not ready to march for Baldur's Gate yet. Time was ticking, so the plan was to take the mountain path double quick and return to Reithwin before nightfall. No dawdling, no silly side quests! By this time, the group was confident enough to split up (balanced playthrough). Gale and Wyll remained in the lower levels to secure some Firewine for camp and see if there was anything else worth checking out, while Lae'zel and Sava reclaimed the Blue Jay's nest, wondered if that was an explosion they just heard and looked for the entrance to the crèche.

What started as a refreshing break from the cursed gloom of Moonrise, turned into tragedy for Lae'zel, her determined mind and strong will damaged to the brink of breaking. On the way back to Reithwin, the group took a detour back to Grymforge to craft Lae'zel a new armor to symbolise her transformation from Vlaakith's devout tool to the weapon that will end her reign. A host of undead marched along. This time, it was not raised from the Thorm Mausoleum.The large skeleton shooting squad were revenants freed from their flesh peels that once were Ch'r'ai W'wargaz, Lady Esther, Ghustil Stornugoss and Kith'rak Therezzyn. This started a tradition. When the Risen Legion later stormed the Temple of Bhaal, the mummified Sarevok Anchev led ghouls and skeletons created from the Bhaalist assailants at Bloomridge Park.

After the fall of Ketheric Thorm, whom Sava will later describe as the "dunce who brought a hammer to an artillery battle", the Risen Legion marched onward to Baldur's Gate. The clock was still ticking against them, but after the Bhaalist murder rampage was stopped, there were still so many potential allies to convince, so many dangers looming in the shadows and, since Sava had grown a soft spot, so many people in need of her help. She had become an unlikely adventuring hero. Here's where our gaming sessions took on the restless rhythm of something like the D&D version of Burn Notice. The day was segmented into three shifts with two short rests, so the group went to gather information in the morning, helped a "client" in the afternoon and then went for another strike against the Absolute in the evening.

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Since this was a first playthrough with as little meta-information as possible, a lot of what happened just happened - the scars and dents adding to the overall beauty of it all. We attacked the Risen Road Toll House before we'd even met Karlach, just because Sava saw their stuff and thought of all the goblins you can kill with that gear. We were hopelessly underpowered for the task until Sava called Lump and his gang. At this point, the fight turned into a slapstick merry-go-round for several combat turns. With Ogres, Anders' gang and party members on their last two hit points running after each other, slipping in the grease puddle on the porch with the Benny Hill theme playing in the background. Allegedly, you can still see the bite marks Sava left in the brim of her hat. I kept Lae'zel's debuffed intelligence and wisdom, as it also matched her in-game behaviour and compensated with potions and items, like the Helmet of Autonomy. While the game didn't particularly ask for it outside of NPC interactions, I also tried to avoid running through the city with a train of rotten meat trailing behind. The Elfsong also had rules against them which we were stretching with Astarion already. I probably wasted a lot of time taking detours to get the undead into starting positions that explain why people didn't see them. One notable exception was the beginning of the Dribbles quest. After seeing the clown had what looked like a shadow-cursed mastiff, Sava called her skeleton shooting squad from Arfur's place, ('we're with the circus"), and while the doppelganger was rolling a street of 1s on his Dribbles impersonations, that squad took their positions behind the distracted crowd. For the Baldur's Mouth Gazette, the sewers were probably "swarming with undead", though. In reality, we had requisitioned the Candulhallow premises from the Murder Tribunal and Arfur's Mansion in Rivington.

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Love all the characters here.

I accidentally made Kimiko from The Boys as an elf character. I liked it and just went with it. I'm pretty obsessed right now with The Boys and low key in love with Kimiko, so no surprise there.
I gave her the Durge origin, since what Durge turns out to be is not so unlike of what was done to Kimiko in the show. Since Kimiko is pretty adamant to better herself in the show and still prone to outbursts, I try to roleplay that by my character sometimes reacting a bit too violent, when she witness abusive behavior. She didn't even let a certain drow speak, before attacking him, after he
pushed that poor gnome girl into the lava

And she didn't even try to deceive or persuate Spike and goonies to leave, but outright attacked them, when she witnessed them torturing poor Liam.

The hardest thing was
killing Minthara, since no way, show Kimiko would ally herself with someone who is hellbent on attacking innocents

I was not sure, what to do about Astarion, but I guess, she views him like show KImiko viewed that girl from Shining Light, who had no chance at all. Astarion is basically the same - he didn't have a chance.

As for who is her Frenchie: it had to be Wyll. I mean, Mizora is basically Little Nina and Wyll and Frenchie share a lot of similarities.

Kimiko is on her way to the creche, since she promised Lae'zel that they will at least see, if the githyanki there can help the group.

As for class: I did choose rogue/monk for her, because she is quick and prefers unarmed fighting. I might change her class later, since I don't find it unrealistic, that she learns a few tricks. Kimiko in the show also was teaching herself to play the piano, so bard wouldn't be unrealistic too.

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"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

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as a side note shadowheart [no spoilers] but i basically flip her subclass at a certain point for story reasons i.e, she plays as a shadow cleric then turns to a light cleric... i know lots of min max players have their "best" but i see this as more of a story change [love her hair] at that point

do others do something similar?

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Originally Posted by Ussnorway
as a side note shadowheart [no spoilers] but i basically flip her subclass at a certain point for story reasons i.e, she plays as a shadow cleric then turns to a light cleric... i know lots of min max players have their "best" but i see this as more of a story change [love her hair] at that point

do others do something similar?

I level Wyll as a different class after a certain confrontation in the Shadowcursed Lands. Mostly paladin, since he is shown to be melee focused and he gives paladin vibes for me. Canonically I think he will become a ranger, so that fits too. I just for some reason see him clearly as a paladin.

Jaheira at least gets some levels in fighter, since she canonically is a fighter/ druid in the other games.

Minsc becomes a strength based character, since that is lore appropriate. And I sometimes change his class. Barbarian berserker fits him a lot. He was a berserker in the old games as a kind of ranger subclass. And he called himself that too.

I don't use Halsin, but if I would, I'd change his strength stat for sure.

Last edited by fylimar; 04/08/24 09:46 AM.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

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Miss Adalind 'Ada' Clover is a renowned clockwork sorceress and adeventurer. She comes from a very influential family of shield dwarves in Baldurs Gate and wanted to pursue a career as artificer like her parents and siblings. But she found out very soon, that she has a special magical talent and so started experimenting with this and the family artificer tradition and ended up with her own thing. She uses it to solve criminal cases as a private investigator. One of those cases turned out to be more complicated, it involved ritual murder, whispers of a cult and ties to higher authorities. She felt that she was on to something, when she was attacked from behind and woke up on the Nautiloid during a nightly investigation and tadpoled.

Out of character info: Ada came across the Bhaal murders and while Orin wanted to kill her, Gortash reasoned that her talents could be useful as an Absolute cultist (since you find out in act 3, that some people weren't selected randomly, but for their talents or knowledge), so she ended up in the tadpole gang.
The armor is from a mod - I wanted the Bhaalist armor look, since this is the most steampuny look, small races can get, but the stats are overpowered, so I just used transmog to give a normal armor that look.
I use the Clockwork Sorcerer mod, since I love that subclass, and I used class mods from that modder before and they are well done and don't break the game.
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"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

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She is gorgeous! I imagine her more vanilla version as a wizard who specializes in arcane glyphs and other more 'mathematical' applications of magic, like wards and arcane items. Her favorite weapon would probably be an Intransigent Warhammer which acts as a pocket glyph of repulsion, haha laugh

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Originally Posted by neprostoman
She is gorgeous! I imagine her more vanilla version as a wizard who specializes in arcane glyphs and other more 'mathematical' applications of magic, like wards and arcane items. Her favorite weapon would probably be an Intransigent Warhammer which acts as a pocket glyph of repulsion, haha laugh

That would be a great concept in a pen & paper game smile - as much as you can do in BG3, there are sadly limitations compared to DnD.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who
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Originally Posted by fylimar
Miss Adalind 'Ada' Clover is a renowned clockwork sorceress and adeventurer. She comes from a very influential family of shield dwarves in Baldurs Gate and wanted to pursue a career as artificer like her parents and siblings. But she found out very soon, that she has a special magical talent and so started experimenting with this and the family artificer tradition and ended up with her own thing. She uses it to solve criminal cases as a private investigator. One of those cases turned out to be more complicated, it involved ritual murder, whispers of a cult and ties to higher authorities. She felt that she was on to something, when she was attacked from behind and woke up on the Nautiloid during a nightly investigation and tadpoled.

Out of character info: Ada came across the Bhaal murders and while Orin wanted to kill her, Gortash reasoned that her talents could be useful as an Absolute cultist (since you find out in act 3, that some people weren't selected randomly, but for their talents or knowledge), so she ended up in the tadpole gang.
The armor is from a mod - I wanted the Bhaalist armor look, since this is the most steampuny look, small races can get, but the stats are overpowered, so I just used transmog to give a normal armor that look.
I use the Clockwork Sorcerer mod, since I love that subclass, and I used class mods from that modder before and they are well done and don't break the game.

Very nice! I've never thought of writing a backstory based on the events that get revealed later in the story because I've been thinking so much about characters for the first time you play a game (whether that's a video game or a tabletop game).

I just leveled up all the companions with their default subclasses, which I took to be the story-wise "right" ones. So Trickery Domain, Battlemaster, and whatever Wyll's subclass is (that one pretty well is fixed). I'll admit I didn't get a lot of use out of Shadowheart's Channel Divinity options (why would I use Cloak of Shadows when Tav has Invisibility and Greater Invisibility?), and yeah it makes a lot of sense to multiclass Wyll. With Jaheira and Minsc I largely built them to fill the gaps in my party. I think I made Jaheira a Moon Druid for the extra wild shapes, and Minsc was a Gloomstalker Ranger to get someone who could sneak in and attack hard.

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Once a monastery craftsman, Pal Seka was adept at pottery and bone carving, most known by the townsfolk for shaping femurs and skulls into peculiar talismans. As all who lived by the temple, he practiced the way of the four elements and the discipline of the monks. Our young man was a worthy practitioner of the martial arts. Not an exceptional one, though - he spent most of his time in the shop besides the monastery. Your average passerby would say he had "a kind face" and "an easy way about him", yet only his faith brethren knew the unrest of Pal Seka's heart and soul. Pal Seka's thoughts were often orbiting around concepts estranged to the common folk, pondering the ideas of life, death and balance. Separated from the flock by a mind flayer's tentacle, he was granted a chance of a lifetime to not ponder the balance, but bring it by unveiling the illithid plot and putting an end to it.

Here goes my latest character, who placed himself to be my second favorite of all time! A pure dwarven monk of the 4 elements, a figure of health and vigor (23 CON and Tough feat do wonders), unburdened by earthly desires (he can fly), wielding the mighty Orphic Hammer, he seeks balance in all.

My main driver for roleplay was to make choices based on balancing out any given situations/scenarios. Gale was used by the God of magic as a mortal suicidal pawn? Lets nurture the seed of ambition and significance in Gale's heart! Karlach had the best years of her life stolen from her? We WILL balance this out by giving her a second chance as a mindflayer. This turned out to be a very interesting idea for the RP, because balancing out does not always mean "doing the good thing".
Gale can turn out to be a shitty God, for example... galeworried

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I mentioned him in the short race appreciation thread earlier, but thought I'd give him a shoutout here, too.

Dwarf Dreogan Strongale comes from a family of acrobats and had an idyllic childhood and youth travelling the Sword Coast with his parents and siblings, until in the 1360s DR tragedy struck and the family's caravan was set on by bandits while on their way to perform at a circus in Nashkel. Young Dreogan's family were killed, and he was trapped in a wrecked and burning wagon. He eventually managed to crawl out, broken, bleeding and burned and was picked up by some kindly folk on their way north who took him to the temple at the Friendly Arm Inn where he was stabilised and the worst of his injuries healed, but his legs were still too badly damaged to walk and nothing could completely banish the pain from his injuries. But while he's often grumpy and prone to taking a few drinks (especially when his old aches are bothering him), he is grateful for his life and wants to help others they way he was helped and these days there are even occasional flashes of the joker and performer he used to be. The god who called most to him was Ilmater, and Dreogan eventually made his way to the Open Hand temple in Rivington, where he slowly learned to walk again and then to put his old acrobatic skills to new use as a martial artist, though he'll never have the agility he had in his youth.

He planned to live out his old age at the temple, until a series of mysterious disappearances and deaths among the poor and refugees that he and his brethren served sent him chasing down rumours of the resurgence of a Bhaalist cult in the city, including whisperings that Sarevok Anchev, the Bhaalspawn behind the unrest that caused the deaths of Dreogan's family, still lived. But, while following the trail in the tunnels under the town, he was set upon and knocked out, and next thing he knew he woke up on a nautiloid with a mindflayer parasite being inserted into his eye.

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(Gold dwarf, Entertainer background, 1 level Light Cleric of Ilmater (dip for RP and useful sanctuary spell), Open Hand monk STR based with Tavern Brawler feat)

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@the red queen o that chest hair wink

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i’ll put something interesting later when i’m more focused but i like kissing karlach

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Originally Posted by healcaster
i’ll put something interesting later when i’m more focused but i like kissing karlach
Who doesn't ? smile

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

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Location: UK
Originally Posted by fylimar
Originally Posted by Ussnorway
as a side note shadowheart [no spoilers] but i basically flip her subclass at a certain point for story reasons i.e, she plays as a shadow cleric then turns to a light cleric... i know lots of min max players have their "best" but i see this as more of a story change [love her hair] at that point

do others do something similar?

I level Wyll as a different class after a certain confrontation in the Shadowcursed Lands. Mostly paladin, since he is shown to be melee focused and he gives paladin vibes for me. Canonically I think he will become a ranger, so that fits too. I just for some reason see him clearly as a paladin.

Jaheira at least gets some levels in fighter, since she canonically is a fighter/ druid in the other games.

Minsc becomes a strength based character, since that is lore appropriate. And I sometimes change his class. Barbarian berserker fits him a lot. He was a berserker in the old games as a kind of ranger subclass. And he called himself that too.

I also levelled Wyll as a paladin later in my first playthrough, and agree it fits his character really well. I might go for ranger another time now I know he can end up as one, even though it doesn’t synergise as well with warlock.

And I also can’t keep Minsc’s default stats as it feels wrong he’s not a sword wielding strongman, and for the same reasons as fylimar have also multiclassed him as a berserker, and given Jaheira some fighter levels.

Shadowheart I have given levels in rogue (assassin), as with the Acolyte background she now has (unlike Urchin in EA which gave her stealth and sleight of hand proficiency) it doesn’t feel as though her skill set fits her story. I haven’t flipped her to light cleric, but that’s a good idea. Maybe next time!

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
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