Originally Posted by LiryFire
Originally Posted by papercut_ninja
Originally Posted by LiryFire
Neutral faces can be perceived cold as ice, the player will feel that "something is off, it's the kisses, what's up?" that the character is asking for.

With neutral I meant something like a smile or look that would seem normal for someone to express when someone they are in a relationship kisses them.

If I want to roleplay this as a relationship where Tav is controlled and treated as a possession I can still imagine things such as forced smiles or putting on an act. It's easier to imagine Tav acting like they are enjoying it when they aren't, than to imagine Tav acting like they are scared when they aren't.

I don't mind neutral faces, in itself, because I can play for example a low-emotional character, a serious one who hides emotions because of what their story is.

I also gave enough arguments, the script that 1 set, positive one, the only valid one for a story with consensual dynamics and did not imply "dark fantasy r!pe" even in a line with angst-freedom-Tav.

Otherwise, the epilogue could have shown control as Astarion "shuts up" Tav who starts talking about freedom ~again~.
And kill the one-man romance for evil path completely in this game, where Tav is not a victim or potential victim.
We don't have Nere, I think it's for the best.

Back to the kiss, you need to change the phrase "let's kiss?" to something that makes sense in your desire to play as Tav being controlled, making forced smiles and pretending.
I think mods are a better solution for that.

I'll probably use mod myself, for one of my Tavs who is more timid and shy, but who agrees and really wants to romance Astarion in the path of evil.

There is a curious statistic that only 17% play AA at least those who follow the polls on the channels. I think most who choose this path do not follow the community since the fall of 2023.
Who are not going to choose it for themselves or have never done it at all - 76%.
15,000 votes

[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]

And 46% of the community hates AA.
13,000 votes

[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]

Statistically it's clear part haven't even played it. It's more like AU with one single path that is "scary and tragic", for some reason.

Understandable, but is it worth making content for an audience that is looking for in a path that is hateful (or love it as a terrible tragedy) for them something scary, sad, especially in intimate things about romance.
I think it's odd, to say the least.

I've already shown that the consensual, fun "evil" mood that was always played by many those who chose the path for the character.

Originally Posted by LiryFire
[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]

And that's just End and Epilogue, there's no implied fear in the other AA scenes either.

All the patches for this kiss had 1 set emotion, in accordance with what the character asks for and chooses in the context of intimacy - happy, pleasure.
I convinced that's the way it should stay.

There's a lot of stuff I can't really understand what you are trying to say, bringing up polls and other sequences not related to the suggestion in the OP. I don't want to jump to any negative assumptions just because there is a barrier of communication here.

OP has played the game with the patch 6 kisses and found them fitting and enjoyed them. So they suggested that it could be an option for players to still have them in the game, if they wanted them. That's it, that's the suggestion and feedback they wanted to express.

You don't agree that they are fitting and you don't want them in your game. Whatever reasoning OP may have that they enjoy these expressions, they are entitled to liking and interpreting the game their way. What someone else does in their game does not affect your game and should not live in your headspace.

Obviously, if these expressions are something you are forced to experience in your game, it affects you as well, but if it is not, then it has no effect on your experience. If both are in the game and you can pick the one that fits your interpretation, you have what you want.