Originally Posted by papercut_ninja
Originally Posted by KiraMira
It is more like neighbours living in an apartment in happy harmony and one day someone decides to set fire to the building. Some neighbour thinks it's nice and warm, not caring at all if the other ones living in the apartment is choking and getting burned.

Not even remotely the same. My story choices are not affecting your story at all, they do not spread to your story.

I can easily prove it, I am going to load up the game right now and click on a bunch of choices and I can promise your game didn't change at all. Let me know if I was wrong and you noticed something in your games.

What are you talking about? I'm talking about the change to the character expression during a kiss, that was happy before, and is now horrible. And is luckily getting changed to nautral. Think of the harmony as Patch 5 and the fire as Patch 6 if that helps. Nothing to do what you do in your game, I could not care less about your choices.

Last edited by KiraMira; 03/08/24 08:00 PM.