Originally Posted by KiraMira
Originally Posted by Silver/
To a degree, I think we all feel this, but some people can't really rationalise what they're seeing. Nor describe what they're feeling, really. People can't reason themselves out of positions they didn't reason themselves into, it's naked emotion. It's less about being a shared toy than: something exists, it makes them feel bad, they want it gone. Controlling someone else's play style by necessity is a a casuality of having that need met.

Man, I really LOVE when you are psychoanalyzing all of us previous posters like you think you know shit. Putting us all neatly in our little boxes with lables on.

I'm more interested in the pyschoanalysis of those who never choose this path, hate it and ask for changes in it for themselves.
But no, not really interested.

People literally want the kiss that comes after the phrase "let's kiss" to fit the context.

If "neutral faces" are added for more roleplay to the kiss, then all characters. As Every rightly suggested