Originally Posted by Ametris
Originally Posted by Silver/
Originally Posted by Ametris
Originally Posted by Silver/
If you checked my reply, it's to the claim that people have not talked about how characters emote for the last 5 patches. That is simply untrue.

I don't see Natasy talking about any other animations than the kissing ones.

Natasy does explicitly not specify as they start with a general statement, which is then followed up by "losing something". The first indirect mention of kissing is: "Their RP abilities were not squashed previous to patch 6".

Of course, Natasy may have just worded their statement in an unprecise way. In that case, I doubt I'd have wronged them by mentioning the long standing issue of people complaining about scenes throughout the game. Larian has completely ignored anyone's pleas on the topic until Patch 7, which is why it's come to be modded.

The whole paragraph speaks of the kisses across all patches, realignment to what was before is something I mentioned in my first post in this thread as well. You're making it sound like people had a problem that the expressions are not as neutral enough as they were before, which you can see in the pics is not the case. Tav was always clearly happy when kissing Astarion, but suddenly that is no longer the case in patch 6.
Now you're reading me wrong. As I've explicitly stated before, my point is that people have had issues with both the amount and lack of emotion since early access. In that context Patch 6 has too much fear and lacks joy.

Some people have always hated the randomly fearful expressions throughout the game -- including myself. The wrinklemap edit in particular is a fix for a character that's meant to be more mature, dignified, or just not very expressive. The issues people have had with the emotions displayed include the kind, though. It would be too ambitious to fix with that particular mod. You'll still see OOC faces, just less extreme facial expressions.