Originally Posted by ladyincognita
I would like to clarify, I do not want the new expressions Larian announced to be changed or not added. All I'm asking for is the possibility to keep the ones that are already in the game, too, because that was the story I experienced with my character. It's really not my intention to upset anyone, or for the fearful expressions to be forced onto other people's player characters again. I understand the faces that came with patch 6 messed up the roleplaying aspect for a lot of people, and I feel that the same thing would happen with my Tav if the coming change is mandatory for everyone. I am only asking for the option to play my character the way I want to, not for others to share my narrative or play the same way.

You see, leaving a hint of fear behind uglifies the romance.
It uglifies without context and very unintelligent. I already showed you the script.
Not to mention that associating intimate things with fear and sadness should be avoided, would still be a potentially trigger moment.
Tav literally chose - gently - roughly in the night scene, and enjoyed everything, including the rough. There was no fear in this moment because it's an intimate, consensual thing.
Considering what a traumatizing way it was done on February 14 replacing happy kisses with fear. I frankly don't think it's a good idea to keep it.

What we should generally feel about Astarion as a bloody murderer, why is there no fear during the kiss with him in Act 2 when he can smile looking at horrible things. Like those corpses on the stakes in the Sharr.
I guess dodging a kiss and getting kicked out of camp? Break up. But if we don't because kissing implies the character's consent to it, to romance.
What now to add fear in characters during a kiss that might scare something in case what they're doing is telling us we don't like it?
It's not possible while there is a "break up", it's not logical if you continue the romance, it's not logical if you start.
Might as well add content for those guys who will be annoyed by the whole Astarion "I love killing him, he makes me sick" thing.

So I'm going to cast Angst Tav with mods, like the paladin who doubts the tenderness of spawn Astarion and is always worried about whether his vampire "nature" will take over, realizing the angst potential of this ending that's been hinted at.

I'd rather have a romance with Spawn with a mood of agreement, of fun, because otherwise what's the point of starting and continuing?

Neutral faces mentioned for all characters is the solution. But I still think that all this can be done by mods, where the very request for kissing will be changed then, it will be suitable.