I feel like people are being needlessly hostile/passive-aggressive towards OP (I'm not talking about any other disagreements that have happened in this thread between other users that will naturally rise from discussing the topic, I consider those fair game, I mean comments directed at OP themselves), who is making a pretty mild petition in a very sensible manner. Larian is free to listen or not (and they most likely will not! it sounds like a hassle to program), as anyone else is free to disagree and expose their opinion on the subject matter, of course, but I think OP's comments are being taken in bad faith just because of the subject matter... it can be discouraging to be met with so much opposition in fan spaces even when you're being polite and respectful, and I hope OP doesn't feel unwelcome here.

My personal opinion is that I see no natural way to include the choice to pick an option, so I prefer the single neutral stance. I also think that the reason those options aren't being asked of other companions is that their romances haven't really been written in a way where those dynamics can be interpreted (arguments can be made for DJ SH and Minthara, I suppose). If Tav looked frightened in a romance with Wyll it'd be strange, because there's no hint of toxicity in a romance with him. While I understand some people might say "but there aren't hints with AA either!" I feel like there's a reason this is a popular topic with him, so it's at least sensible to say there must be some sort of element to his story that makes this interpretation happen.