I'm intimidated by Halsin, аnd his aggressive hints about he to be the third leg of the your pair. But he must be taken to camp if you want to break the curse to Act 2. He's also great bait for Orin. If there's ever a "Tav's scared faces from AA to talk to Halsin" mod, I'll definitely install it for myself. That's a joke... Although every joke has a bit of truth in it.
In general, in terms of implementing the "emotion control" request, I find it costly and difficult to implement. And it has to be introduced initially at all stages, not at a kiss with a single companion on a particular route.
We can't control the faces of fear/sadness that occasionally pop up on Tav throughout the game (like when our friend Jergal climbs out of the grave, the barn in the extinct village, or the gracefulness of the level "potato" when dancing with Will or repeating a trick on Gale). They break the immersion, too. You can say "My Tav well in his life he wouldn't have been scared/done that", but it's in the game. It's something that players just have to turn a blind eye to. As sad as that sounds.
Neutral facial expressions are an outlet for any player to guess what they want to see: slight sadness, joy, fear, or whatever.
I, unfortunately, was not among the testers, so I am looking forward to September to see all the innovations, including the AA branch.