Originally Posted by AnnaMyrk
The people who speak out here for the return of the fear emotion have familiar nicknames to me from other sites. They are fans of the spawn and zealous haters of the AA route at that. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Okay, well, now it sounds like you're trolling.

Originally Posted by Natasy
Yes they have been dismissed as of April I believe.

From what I know, they actually quit themselves about 2 months ago, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was in part due to the harassment.

Originally Posted by Natasy
OP has expressed their opinion, people have come in to disagree and state their own, and are being accused of hostility and attacks where there are none. It's, "state something inflammatory, then police how people react. If there is no big reaction, act like there is anyway and treat them as unreasonable."

Let's not play dumb. There is a difference between expressing disagreement and the passive-aggressiveness I've seen on this thread. I think a lot of users here who love AA and the dark romance aspect have expressed their disagreement respectfully, while some have been passive aggressive or needlessly up in arms towards OP themselves, sometimes assuming things that haven't been stated by them at all. For what it's worth, I think you can say "I think that's a really bad idea" or "I think that's really harmful" without also getting snarky when OP has done nothing to earn that treatment.