Originally Posted by papercut_ninja
What post specifically has said anything negative about the ascended Astarion romance?

Who is saying that's what's happening?

Originally Posted by papercut_ninja
Or argued against those posts that keep repeating the same reasons why they don't want it portrayed as abusive, even though no one has even asked for the reasons or challenged them?

Multiple people in this thread are people who have actively come in to shout down people on the patch 6 thread and insult us. Case in point:

Originally Posted by Anska
Nah, it's just people pretending to be prissy little daisies, untouched by anything but the gentle morning dew and the the dark powers of their vampire lord when it suites them, and behaving like condescending cacti when it suites them better.

It's very easy to spot talking points when theyre thrown at us like tomatoes everywhere we go.

Originally Posted by papercut_ninja
So I don't understand why they are gettting shouted down and accused of being a spawn romancer.

No one is shouting. Just stating their opinions with reasoning, with some also recognizing these are usual culprits for hostile debate.

Though I do agree this request is rather innocuous. And OP is definitely careful to toe lines and not give off impressions. So regardless of the legitimatcy of this request, I think it's fine to treat it like OP is being genuine, and not just another "I'm such a big AA fan Larian please make AA kill Tav, I'm such a fan" poster.

But regardless, my personal opinion is still that making toggle expressions for one character and one only is unnecessary, and if it's considered, then toggle should happen for all.

Edit to add:

Originally Posted by jinetemoranco
From what I know, they actually quit themselves about 2 months ago, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was in part due to the harassment.

This is unnecessary mud flinging and an accusation that AA fans have been harassing a writer. From all I have seen this is very much not true. This is speculation that can do an extreme amount of harm to an already harassed fan base. Don't make things up.

Last edited by Natasy; 04/08/24 03:00 PM.