Originally Posted by KlarissA
Originally Posted by Every
Yes, I can write perfectly well about all the companions, and what I want to see in the game, and what options in my opinion should be added, all I ask is equality in this plan.
You want to be split into two options in a kiss? No problem, give it to everyone. Maybe I'm tired of boring Gale, and I want to show him how much I don't want to kiss him. Or maybe I'm scared of the Gale God. And I'm experiencing fear/horror/ pain in the epilogue.

I can understand equality. I'm all for more options for everyone if possible. I focus on that one here because that's the one OP came here to talk about. I get the "then so, for everyone" as an answer, I can get behind it. But I don't know if it helps much here, to be honest (maybe me). Plus, equality and other companions aside, I consider it as fixing one big mistake. Meaning something with Ascended Astarion, a romance I consider a bit more complex to treat well, where Larian changed a lot with patch 6, will revisit with patch 7. Now there are people that came to it and learnt to love it before and after patch 6 (and those after patch 6 will know the after patch 7, and though premature maybe, I can understand wondering about future enjoyment). Just for that, I might consider this case to be on top of the list of more choices when kissing one's LI. Though I do not know, or maybe have not romanced one, other instances quite like that one (I will gladly hear about it otherwise).

Starting with the release and all 5 patches I played with Ascended Astarion, and there was no abusive behavior in the romance as "many" here want to insist. I'm used to that narrative too, and I'll say it again, Larian is being fixed, not changing/adding anything.
Patch 6 was a mistake, it hurt so many players in so many ways. I'm not going to repeat the entire suggestion thread, which has almost 60 pages.