Originally Posted by jinetemoranco
Originally Posted by Natasy
Given this "I love AA abusive, please give us more abuse" was not really a talking point until patch 6, it seems disingenuous.

I can, at least in my case, go on record saying my posts here talking about my interest in that storyline happened before that patch.

Originally Posted by Natasy
I don't even see people saying others are "enjoying AA the wrong way".

That is the implication/takeaway when you're assumed to be an impostor.
Nevermind an impostor. A secret agent that actually hates AA and only wants the option preserved to destroy the patch 7 changes before they happen. The assumption was from multiple people that it's impossible to like the current AA route with the patch 6 kisses. Can't enjoy something the "wrong way" you supposedly hate. I hope there will be no more of this, but oh well.

Last edited by Silver/; 04/08/24 04:40 PM.