Originally Posted by AnnaMyrk
I don't want scared facial expressions even as an optional choice. The main complaint about these kisses is that they rewrote the character, before them Tav wasn't afraid of AA in any context, fear of AA was fanon

I agree with Anna. It was a mistake. Maybe someone liked the mistake and fit the interpretation, fanon, doesn't change the fact that it was a mistake about the context of the story, which had no atmosphere of fear, only consent and the choice to continue the romance.

I'm against the opiation of fear.
Neutral faces are more understandable.
The only thing that suggested Every, to all characters - so I can play different personalities, and assume different emotions.

Also, about the rewriting of the AA romance and the character. Yes, it is.
The AA romance was full agreement and the mood of it was appropriate. The fear, the sadness was a foreign thing.

Talking about the character

Stephen Rooney:
"The main thing with Astarion character I think was just trying to get a sense of fun into… He could… It would be very very easy to write a character that was very unlikable in Astarion and we absolutely didn't want to do that.
He's a bit terrible consistently throughout the game, he's awful in a whole lot of ways. But at the same time he needs to be charming and he needs to be someone that you actually want to have around.
Because you’re gonna be with this guy for hours and hours – it’s a long track through this game so…
You gotta make sure he’s engaging, he’s fun".
Stephen Rooney | Idle Insights | Idle Champions | D&D 21:51

Does the fear and sadness of intimacy fit idea of sense fun, engaging?
I wonder how at all in intimacy with AA the choice of -gentle and -rough at night where Tav\DU enjoys and agrees to an eternal bond could have changed to fear, ignoring most of Tav\Du's answers (and ignoring DU in general), February 14.

So in patch 7, hopefully there will be a return to the original idea and this mistake will be a thing of the past and in the mods.

Is there enough valid plot basis for fear mood in kissing in this story?
What could narrative of fear for which an opition should be made be based on in the story, OP?