Originally Posted by Anska
Originally Posted by Natasy
Stating you disagree with an authors view on romance writing in videogames in a feedback forum is not harassment. Again, it seems a certain portion of the fanbase just stating their opinion is labeled as hostile shouting.

Saying that you dislike something, that it makes you feel bad and why you'd like it to be changed is perfectly fine. That's what forums and feedback posts are for. But coming up with theories that the company wants to punish or educating you, that a second/new writer wants to force their narrative on you and that special people were hired just to hurt you stops being simple feedback. And there have been some hurtful things said both about Astarion's and Halsin's writer that I hope they didn't have to read.

Originally Posted by Natasy
Given this "I love AA abusive, please give us more abuse" was not really a talking point until patch 6, it seems disingenuous. Just a fun way for people to stir the pot. I don't even see people saying others are "enjoying AA the wrong way". Just stating their reasons for disagreeing. But I guess if you're part of a very large and excepted fandom, experiencing disagreement could definitely feel intimidating when you're used to others agreeing with you!

Ehm, you assume a lot there, I am mostly a Gale person. So I get told how much my favourite character sucks on a regular basis, thank you very much, sometimes accompanied by images of a severed hand if the platform supports it. Also I don't get the feeling the OP wants to stir any pots. As Jinetemoranco wrote, not everyone enjoys romantic arcs in video games as pure wish-fulfillment, enjoying it as a tragedy is also a valid option. I use enjoy in broader sense here, not as in enjoying something that is purely pleasurable but as something that might move you to tears and break your heart a little. (And still, because this has apparently has to be said as a disclaimer every time, I thought the kisses were ill advised.)

Sure. It's valid to like dead dove and non-con. I like dead dove dark fic when I can see the tags and consent to engage. But asking for dead dove and non-con because a fleeting patch that caused a lot of damage is not going to be popular. Such things are best left to mods. Even if it's a toggle, there will be people who stumble into it unwittingly. There is no content warning. It isn't a good idea.

However saying fans were "making up theories" over a writer is incorrect. The writer in question themselves did a conference on the things people were discussing, after they departed Larian. I will not go into details, given it's not on topic, though you can find the conference easily on YouTube.

Originally Posted by Silver/
Aaand we're back to the secret agent who wants to destroy patch 7 story, great. At least OP isn't openly lumped into it by default anymore

Acting like people who vocally harass AA players, only to turn around and ask Larian for harsher abuse and murder content so we will finally "get it" because they just love AA so much don't exist is willfully ignorant. Larian's discord had to shut down AA requests over it. Swen deleted an announcement tweet over it.

I will acknowledge my bias given my consistent unpleasant experiences with where OP is coming from. And still request Larian stay consistent with pleasant kisses that we have had for 5 patches, and to leave the dead dove for modders. No need for a toggle.