Originally Posted by Wormerine
Originally Posted by fylimar
We have topics over topics discussing AA kissing animation or Shadowheart liking Halsin, but very little discussions about the personality or character of them or others.
Personally, I don't think the problem lies in romancable comanions themselves, or that romancable companions can't be interesting. It is just that if every RPG game makes every companion romancable, that greatly limits a potential range of your companions. While I understand that characters like Wynne or Stren don't generate as much "engagement" as shaggable cast of Dragon Age, I do think they are an important part of the puzzle.

Though Varric is widely considered one of the most beloved and popular companions in all of DA and he isn't romanceable.
And I don't mean, no romances at all. The characters in BG3 are very interesting, it just seems, people engage differntly with them. Sten is a great character, Wynne too. But people are focused on Morrigan and Alistair. I like a mixture out of both.

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