Thank you @Wormerine! Your summary of that video is much appreciated.

And also thank you @Thunderbolt. That PC Gamer article about what JES says about romances in contemporary RPGs was great reading, especially because I agree with his sentiments completely and have been lamenting the same myself for some years now.
For me all of this serves to bring back my very strong sentiments, which I have expressed here often in the past, that sex (which is not at all the same as romance or even relationship) is what BG3's attraction to many of its fans is hugely about, and that if all the sex were not there in BG3 it would not have been such a big hit. It still would've been a 'normal' hit, as true RPG fans would've flocked to it. But its many fans who are *not* traditional RPG fans would not be there, because those fans did not come to BG3 for BG3's RPG elements, and JES is correct that those fans are not going to flock to an RPG (even a big production-value AAA RPG) that does not have BG3-level sex.