Originally Posted by Zayir
I knew when you created this thread that you will bring this up. It is easy, if a game contains

(sensitive topic)
sexual violence (Depictions of rape or other sexual acts)

it needs to get a content warning. If the scene does not depict it and it is consensual, it does not need this content warning. Oh man smile
That means if a person get triggered by a consensual scene, which does not contain:

(sensitive topic)
sexual violence (Depictions of rape or other sexual acts)

that it is his personal trigger, which doesn't need a rating content warning. Clear now? Abdirak is very much consensual, overly consensual to be honest, and not

(sensitive topic)
sexual violence (Depictions of rape or other sexual acts)

Well, I guess you are a divination mage then wink . It is not the focus of this topic, but since we discussed it with
sexual violence
in mind in that topic, it's not surprisingly to come up here - the whole argumentation of you AA fans was, that it was triggering. But please don't make this in another discussion about the pros and cons of that, I think we cleard it up, that different things can be triggering for different people. It's ok, if you say, why it is triggering for you, which I guess, you did in your post and imo there is no talking away a trigger. People are different and have different expereinces, so it is ok.

But I think, you are not seeing the whole picture - granted, that topic of
is very easily triggering, but so can be the scene how you get Us or the whole of Reithwin for different reasons.
Plain violence or body horror can be as much a trigger as SA

As for Haarlep - that is clearly not
consentual. Your character has been drugged with incubus spittle - same stuff that makes Nessa like Yurgir in THAT way. If you point it out to her, she is beyond angry, because she lost her body autonomy. It still is a form of SA. You can roleplay your chaarcter as not caring about it or being ok with it, but the undertone is pretty clear and it is one of the scenes I often see come up as triggering, since most people at least encounter Haarlep and his proposition. And afterwards, your body gets used by Haarlep and you feel it every time. Even Astarion pities you at that point. I'm ok with it being in there to drive home the very dark side of having dealings with devils and incubi and other citizens from hell, but my question was if scenes like that would need a trigger warning, since it is SA and you see all of it

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who