Originally Posted by KiraMira
Originally Posted by fylimar
But I had Wylls dancing scene in act 2 triggered a few times, despite being in a romance with another character (found out, that if I say the party would be better with him or I would love to dance with him at the party, those are romance starters too).
Could that indeed be xbox specific?

Do you mean, you were only able to trigger Atsarions romance scenes? That would indeed be unfortunate.

I also had this when I wanted to see Shadowhearts Act 1 scene. I had to specifically turn down Astarion before going to bed and then select Shadowheart, otherwise the game auto picks Astarion. So a tip to try that for others that get that bug.

Interesting about Wyll romance starters! Thanks for sharing that info.

It could be xbox specific the Astarion thing not sure if kiramira is on xbox or PC that could be resolution to my Astarion problem though I very much like Astarion but out of all the romance kickstarts Wyll is definitely harder to trigger .

On a note I think there is a trigger conversation I missed a few times I've asked to dance a lot however I encountered him the morning after on a recent Tav not in act 2 yet and had the smile conversation I don't recall prior so we'll see if that is actually the one I need.