I've just looked at the kiss animations on Youtube and to be honest, I do wonder if the people complaining about losing the old faces have looked at the new animations. The example I saw was with an female elf Tav and in every kiss you see her with a slight frown and a wrinkled forehead indicating worry. She most certainly doesn't look happy to me.

She looks alarmed during the bite kiss and upset afterwards. The kneel kiss she only smiles when he grabs her and it's a bit of a strange smile, then it's back to a slight frown and neutral face afterwards. When he grabs her chin for the third kiss, she looks worried, but her face relaxes as they kiss, then it's back to neutral.

While I am pleased that Larian have toned down the animations from patch 6, to me these have to be the most unromantic kisses in the game. You'd really have to stretch your imagination to think that Tav was actually enjoying them.

Mod support for console with these kisses please Larian!
Because I would much rather see my character looking happy, not like she's just got a letter from revenue and is about to be audited. And of course, mod support would also benefit those who would prefer to see their Tav romancing A.Astarion while looking absolutely terrified.

Just leap the flames to take a chance...