Originally Posted by Elly
I hope there will be a way to get the original expressions back as options for those of us who liked them. As they are now, I'm very unhappy with the change. The wide grin with the closed eyes during the throat grab especially feels like an odd choice and is not something I could explain for my Tav. A softer expression that's more open to interpretation would have been enough to make Tav look more neutral, if that's what it's supposed to be now. The player agency mentioned in the title here has not been restored, it's just been taken away from others instead.

I agree. I'm not trying to start fights here, but this expression is not neutral. It's a smile, and I don't think I can RP onto that.

Originally Posted by Lorna
Fortunately we have a wonderful modding community so if anyone is still disappointed they can make their own fantasies come true!

But (and I am genuinely trying to not start a fight here; I'm autistic so please let me know if this comes off too blunt) could we not say the same about Ascended Astarion fans who wanted the smile? There was a mod on Nexus for it and IIRC it was pretty popular.