His epilogues feel, to me, a little as if his team didn't have much interest in them. It's especially weird that not even the choice you made in the Elfsong registers. Unless you go into the Underdark, you are always adventuring with Spawn, and having parties with Ascended.
But what I wanted to say, I really like the hug. It's a lovely hug of two people completely at ease with each other, and it's great that you now also get it if you left Faerûn on a heroic mission.
That's a really good point. For example with finding a way to be in the sun, it would be nice if there was some dialouge about "where should we try next," or "maybe we can ask and see if anyone has any leads," or "well that last lead didn't work, but we're not giving up," or something like that.
Or some silliness, like maybe Astarion does his joking bow and Tav plays along with an exaggerated bow/curtsy. After six months together, they should have developed some inside jokes and references.